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The Quiet Words
Week One: Exploring creativity
I'm so glad you're here
What does it mean to be creative?
Why write at all: My Writing Manifesto
What does writing creatively mean?
Week One: Homework
Week Two: Quietening the chaos to find your creativity
The overwhelming importance of calm
Find your still
A secret before we begin
Morning Pages
Week Two: Homework
Week Three: Exploring purposeful creativity for writing
Journaling Like A Writer
Bringing your feelings alive
Ways to get started
The art of being an observer
Creating a writing practice
Ways to commit to a writing practice
Week Three: Homework
Week Four: Exploring ideas
“Write what you know” - otherwise known as write what you feel
Following your creative intuition
Read with a writer's eye
Week Four: Homework
Week Five: Understanding details
Descriptive Writing
When to use description
How to create memorable descriptions
Week Five: Homework
Week Six: Being a storyteller
Show, don't tell
Week Seven: Creative cheat sheets
A cheat sheet for writing creatively whenever you feel stuck
A cheat sheet for when your writing just isn't working
Week Seven: Homework
Week Eight: The art of editing
The final flourish
How to edit like an editor
My final words
Week Three: Homework
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